Monday, June 13, 2011

Urgent Update!

On Thursday Harold Camping (AKA the CEO of Family Radio and the Prophet of Doom) was rushed to the hospital with an illness. Doctors determined that he had a stroke in which his only lasting ailment would be trouble speaking.

Coincidence or a curse?

Some people have said this was justice delivered by God Himself. God smote the man with this ailment due to his sin. Numerous times in scripture we see where God enacted His holy justice against a person who was doing something contrary to the will of God. I have heard people today who were living Godless lives, that have had a physical ailment that drove them back into the Saviors arms.

Other people have said it was just old age combined with stress. These people may have a point. Being the Prophet of Doom is no easy task and it could be rather stressful if(when) you're wrong. It has been shown that stress can lead to strokes so this is certainly a plausible cause.

One view that I have not seen but would like to suggest is that perhaps God used the fact that Mr. Camping was old and was going to have a stroke to teach him a lesson. Sometimes we forget that despite man having free will, God orchestrates everything we see around us. While being a paradox in the extreme, it would show that this situation was not a coincidence, but rather a showing of what God had originally planned. God in his foreknowledge knew that Harold would attempt to speak for God Himself, so God enacted His justice.

I do not claim to know God's intention but based upon my study of Scripture and my feeble understanding of the way things work, I know that God somehow had a hand in this, as He does in all our lives. When we are late for work, there is a reason; when we forget to get milk at the grocery store, there is a reason. God has designed everything that happens in this world for His own honor and glory. We can never fully understand the ways of God. But as Francis Chan said in a recent message, maybe that's the point. If we could fit God into a box and we could fully understand Him, He would be no different than we are.

My God is so much bigger than that. My God is a God that can't be contained. He can't be persuaded by my craziness.

My God is Radical! 

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