Sunday, July 31, 2011

Boogity, Boogity, Boogity, Amen!

This past week made history with the prayer heard round the world. Perhaps I exaggerate, but this prayer was heard by many people. Fox News covered it. Drudge covered it. Now The Radical Life Blog is covering it.

A week ago Saturday Pastor Joe Nelms prayed an epic prayer at the Nascar Nationwide series race in Tennessee.

I did not have the privilege to hear the prayer as it happened. I happened to hear it on a few radio shows that I listen to. Several responses came to my mind after I heard the prayer.

My first response was what was he thinking. This crazy dude gets up in front of thousands of people and essentially prays a prayer that some would consider mocking. How could God accept that as a prayer?

I was humbled though as I continued thinking about it. This man stood up in front of thousands of people and thanked God for even the trivial things in life, like GM, Goodyear, and yes, HIS smoking hot wife.

Sometimes I think that God forgets even the simple things we find pleasure in. God doesn't just want us to thank Him for working things out in our lives, but for EVERYTHING.

No matter how un-orthodox Pastor Nelms' prayed his prayer, I am sure God was glorified. His prayer humbled me to remember even the little things. Unless we are thankful for the smallest things in life we can never live a Radical Life, boogity, boogity, boogity, amen!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Am Not Ashamed!

Over the last week I've received chastisement for my blog from several different people. Despite what I have said on the blog about not letting personal attacks bother me, I actually let them get to me.  I assume the people who don't like my blog, or my way of going about things are going to say something to me. I most definitely welcome that.

This week has been quite busy and rather stressful providing Satan with perfect opportunities to buffet me. I've been working on several projects related to the blog, as well as the issues related to the ministry and the good ole' nine to five(I've actually never had one of these).  

These attacks, if you will, may have distracted me a little but once I was able to refocus, numerous passages and even modern stories came to mind about how believers would be rebuked for what they believe. Christians all around the world are persecuted daily for their beliefs. I think of the churches in China and other Communist countries where believers can face death for professing Christ.

In the USA though it's not so bad. Yes, sometimes we get insulted for going to church, sometimes we get kicked off someone's porch for sharing the gospel but is it really that bad in comparison? Unfortunately this is only part of it. The humbling reality is that these attacks won't just come from the world but believers as well.

Believers? Yes, professing Christians. This isn't just a modern day occurrence. People who profess Christ have been attacking other Christians since Christ walked this earth.  Christ Himself was slandered on several occasions when the Pharisee's called him demon possessed and a drunkard. Our own lord was condemned by people claiming to serve God. These were the same people who got ticked because He healed someone on the Sabbath.

Why do people do this though. Why do professing Christians attack other Christians. I think the answer is twofold.

First, some Christians believe that they are more spiritual and following Scripture more accurately so they feel that it is their duty to correct their fellow Christians. This perspective is commendable when the weaker brother is truly the weaker brother, but many times the situation arises where the weaker brother is the one throwing the blame. A lack of Biblical knowledge, or over analysis of Scripture can lead to this. Also a believers who takes their denomination's stance (Or your pastor's stance if you are an IFB) over Scripture fall into this trap. The Bible says to make sure that we have removed the moat from our own eye before going after someone else's sliver. Many believers find comfort in extra-Biblical exhortations and while they are not all bad, a conviction should never be elevated to the place of Scripture(see previous blog post).

The second reason some Christians attack other Christians is that they actually see the truth that the other side is saying, and get convicted so they become defensive. This is a common defense mechanism. It is so easy to bite off someone's head if you disagree with them, but it is even easier to become bitter when you realize the truth that is portrayed by what they say when it goes against everything you have ever heard and been taught.  

Regardless of the responses to our message, our message must remain true to Scripture. We must never allow our personal experiences or feelings determine what Scripture says. I for one am not ashamed of the message the Bible presents. I , for as long as God allows me to use this blog, will continue to post, continue to encourage, and continue to urge unto righteousness.

My prayer goes out for everyone who reads this blog. I pray that Scripture would be your guidepost, not other people's opinions. I pray that God would work in everyone who reads this blog, and that he would transform you into a person who can truly live a radical life.

Friday, July 15, 2011

SHHHHHH We're Talking About Sex!

Rolling around in my head for a while now has been a project about Love, Sex and Marriage. While these three things may be the most complex things we ever encounter, they may in fact be the most enjoyable aspects of life.

My post today has been prompted by another blog. This blog is dedicated to those who are willing to laugh at themselves and those who have left the fundamentalist circles. The topic of choice this week has been sex.

Yes I just said sex three times in the last three paragraphs. This should not be shocking, as this beautiful act is a fact of life(quite literally).

Growing up in the IFB circles, sex was not talked about. In most cases it is looked down upon. It was a taboo subject.

For the most part, parents I talk to say that they don't talk about it due because they want to maintain the innocence of their children.

The unfortunate fact is that innocence does not mean ignorance.

I present to you this example:

If I rob a bank, I am a robber and I am guilty.

If I do not rob a bank, I have done nothing wrong, so I am innocent.

If I do not know what robbery is, I am ignorant.

Innocence is not the idea of NOT knowing. Innocence is knowing about something but maintaining purity.

Please don't misunderstand me. I am not suggesting that we be open books and flamboyantly talk about sex all the time with everyone.

If your children ask you questions about sex, answer them. Do not be scared that if you tell them to much, they will become unbridled fornicators. I believe this to be far from the truth.

Repression tends to increase curiosity. I have heard many horror stories of teens who, did not know what sex was because they were never told(to maintain their "innocence"(ignorance)), fall into inappropriate situations because of it.

Many parents believe that it is not prudent to tell their children about sex until the day they are to be married. The day of the wedding is not the appropriate time to discuss this. As if the wedding day is not stressful enough, you drop the bomb about sex.

The irony is that if you wait until the child is in their teens, or even wait until the wedding day, odds are is that you are already too late. Kids are ingenious. They have this strange ability to analyze things. Children also have friends, and if one of those friends talks, the whole guise of innocence will be blown. Once they get curious, they study and they learn more, and unless you are there to guide that curiosity it might not be constructive.

Sex is not something that should be kept quiet. More damage can be done by repressing. For my big project I have read many stories of people who while they were growing up, every time the word sex was brought up, their parents said that it was bad. This is just as erroneous as telling your child that Santa Clause is real. Many people out there reading this would agree that telling your child that Santa Clause is real would be a lie. Saying that sex is bad every time the topic comes up is just as much of a lie.

In addition to this inflation of "truth," many times sex portrayed as a bad thing from the pulpit. Children sit in the pews and they hear messages from preachers they respect, about the wrongness of adultery and fornication, and rightly so. The problem is that the flip side is hidden from them. Sex is not portrayed properly. The effect on this demographic is drastic. They are taught from 1-18 that sex is bad, then get this huge weight dropped on them the night before the wedding or just before, saying "nope, sex is ok now. Go have guilt free sex with your spouse, even though you were told all your life that sex is wrong. " This sounds stupid but this is what many of us do. 
Sex is NOT bad. Sex is good. Sex is fun. Sex is GODLY. Let's be open about sex. Sex is a beautiful act that was intended by God to be enjoyed within marriage. Don't hide it or be ashamed of it. Embrace it. Have a good time! This is yet another instance where unless we are open honest and transparent, it is impossible to live the Radical Life.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Blog Stats

Being a statistics nut, I thought I would take a few moments to share the statistics of this blog. In the last 2 months there have been over 500 visits.
Thank you for reading and I pray these posts are encouraging and provoke you to live the Radical Life. Please feel free to share this blog with your friends and family by using the nifty links down at the bottom.

You shouldn't do that! Jesus said not to.

Over the last few weeks I've been doing much pondering about my own beliefs and checking to make sure that they are in line with what Scripture truly says. My goal behind this is that I have backing for all my actions in life.

This has turned into an arduous task but I am confident that with the help of the Holy Spirit I can complete my goal.

My concern also has to do with my fellow Christians who seem to be adding to what the Bible says. It is certainly one thing to hold a conviction against something and not allow it in our homes. The issue comes when Pastors and even parents take something that is not clear in scripture and say you can't do it because Jesus said you cannot.

Let us consider the example of drinking. Drinking alcohol may be one of the more contentious issues in the modern church. This matter often leads some churches to separation and can lead to excommunication in the worst cases. Last week, in a Talkback session I was able to sit in on, John Cooper said that he didn't know of any modern theologian who could, without a doubt, declare from scripture that Jesus did not drink any alcohol.

He is correct. No theologian can without a doubt could declare that Jesus did not consume any sort of "strong drink," yet it is interesting to hear in many pulpits that drinking any form of alcohol for any reason is a sin(except for Grand Mamma's Nyquil). Rather than declaring something as a sin, perhaps we need to state that it may not be the wisest choice and then leave it up to personal liberty.

Music is another example. If you read my previous post on God Honoring Music on this blog, you probably did not see the numerous comments regarding the subject on my Facebook page.  The conversation was lively, but no definitive "Thou shalt not" could be presented by any of the people who are against my view. The argumentation was a conglomeration of many passages pieced together in order to achieve a known goal.

This is our problem as Christians as a whole. We derive an ideal based upon conviction, and it becomes so ingrained in our lives that we believe it MUST be Biblical. In turn, holding our convictions close to our heart, we consult  Scripture. This approach is totally backward. One should first start with Scripture then base our conclusions upon our findings rather than the other way around.


Conviction - TV is wrong. What do I do to prove this though. First I find the passage that says that Satan is the prince and power of the air. I declare that passage applicable, add it to a few other passages and voila! I now have a "Biblical" support of my conviction.

Some of you are laughing at me and others of you are saying, "Huh, maybe he's right." NO There is no Biblical support for no TV BUT if you choose not to have a TV in your home more power to you. I bet you will get many more things done than I will.

We must always start with a Biblical proofs and then end up with convictions rather than the other way around.   

Why do we do this though? Why do we have the urge to essentially shove words in God's mouth?

The first thing is confidence. We have a lack of confidence as Christians. We are not as bold as Christ has shown the example for us to be. We make up these rules because we feel the need for security yet for some reason we forget that when Christ left this world He left us with a Comforter . This Comforter can comfort our fears and enables us to be BOLD! We can have confidence that The Holy Spirit is there to enable us to have the confidence we are called to have.  

The second thing is control. When Christians are allowed to have liberty no one is in charge other than God. This idea shoots sand into the faces of people who believe that pastors are in charge of their flock. These people have power complexes and have a drive to be involved in every aspect of their parishioners lives. Yes the Bible does say that the Elders are responsible for the spiritual well being of their churches but that does not mean to hover. Pastors are to teach the people how to use Scripture to assist in daily living. Many pastors view the command in Scripture as an ultimatum to assume a micromanaging role. Sheep may be dumb but they are not stupid. How about rather than being a dictator of your flock, teach the dumb out of them.

It is interesting to note that from growing up in a pastors home and knowing many other pastors that the pastors who micromanage have a whole lot more stress than the pastors who do not. I have heard the argument that some people need the structure and control to grow. How ludicrous can you be? "My sheep need me," is the first sign that it is time to bolt. They do not need YOU they need God! These are the same people who think freedom in Christ is just a description of the spiritual realm that does not transcend to the physical world. I dare say that Freedom in Christ is not just freedom from Satan but from tyrannical overbearing religious leaders as well.

These leaders are the first ones who go to scripture to prove THEIR views. These are also the first leaders who tell people not to copy/paste their Bibles picking and choosing what passages to hold to. I suggest those leaders do the same.

Scripture is black and white. Our frail human minds are what mess us up. We read into things, and we over analyze the words on the page. My suggestion is to take Scripture for what it says. Don't read into it to support your own views. If you have a conviction, stand by it but don't attempt to be Holier by supporting it by butchering what God said. Convictions are wonderful and I have many of them but the ones I cannot back by clear scriptural references are ones that I cannot make someone else hold to.

My encouragement today is that we as a Church have everything we need to live our lives. Our convictions and our inclinations mean nothing compared to Scripture. Depending on the Bible for our sole source of direction in our lives is the ONLY way to live the Radical Life.

Monday, July 4, 2011

You did WHAT!

This past week I had the wonderful privilege of going to Creation Fest Northeast in Shirleysburg, PA. It was an incredible blessing for my youth group and I. The interesting thing was the responses I got from people who knew I was going. For the most part the people who were vocal about our trip had positive responses, but it was the negative responses that concerned me.

Two comments that stood out to me were the following. The first was to a comment I made on Facebook. It said that Creation "Might be better if it wasn't just a big rock concert." The second comment was "Why would you go to such a Godless event?"

You all know my musical background so I will not bore you with rehashing my view. If you do not know it, you can read about it in my former blog post.

I think the issue comes down to definitions. People with opposing views on music define things differently. For this article I ask that we place those differences on the back burner. For right now please don't worry about whether something has a back beat or not. Let us focus on the event.

From June 29 through July 2, nearly 80,000 people mostly Christians gathered in mid Pennsylvania for a Christian music festival. This event was not Godless in the least as every artist/singer gave a testimony for Christ and reminded the Audience that the focus was NOT to be on the person BUT on the Savior. The preaching was absolutely phenomenal by both the singers and the special speakers. Over 6 people preached every day in between the music and just so you know the preachers were on stage longer than the musicians(1.5 hours for the preachers compared to an hour for the musicians). Each message was God focused and clearly presented the gospel of salvation. Despite there being people of diverse backgrounds preaching, not one doctrinal error was spoken. If anything the messages were clearer there than messages I had ever heard my entire life. I will cave and say that in fact this WAS a heathen event. Reformed sinners, still heathen, gathered together to offer the Creator of the universe praise and worship.

To address the other comment, I believe the biggest issue in definition occurs. If you define a rock concert as a thing where people get up on stage and sing loudly, with modern instruments, with lights and even some *GASP* pyrotechnics, then yes, Creation Festival was a rock concert. This rock concert was quite different than what I would define a rock concert as. Typically I imagine Woodstock to define a rock concert. We imagine the nudity, the orgies, and the drugs. At creation there were no drunken orgies, there was no drug consumption, and there was no immorality of any kind so it really depends on your definition. Unless you consider the music a sin, there WAS no sin encouraged/practiced at this event.

Creation 2011 was amazing. On the last night nearly 1000 people accepted Christ as their Savior. There was no pressure or hostile convictions. The Gospel was presented and the Holy Spirit moved. This event showed me that you don't have to put on a monastic lifestyle of self loathing. We are to put off our selves and focus on others and be willing to share the Gospel with the entire world. This calls us to be in the world but not of it. IF sin as defined by scripture is not present in something, the Christian should be allowed to participate. If the activity leads to worship, maybe we need to putting down our own pride and in fact encourage that activity.
We as Christians are destroying ourselves. We fight over the simplest of things. Rather, in order to be Radical in our living, we must cast off vain disputing and focus entirely on Christ.